
Eco Restoration Outline

Tags: bio-diversity eco restoration eco system regeneration
eco_restoration_outline_1Eco- system restoration attempts to reinstate an entire community of organisms to as near its natural condition as possible. It mimics natural systems and tries to bring back biodiversity. Assessment of the soil, of the existing vegetation and of the availability of water are some of the initial steps to be taken.

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Introduction: Why restore ecosystems?

Forests provide on three levels: Individual livelihood, Community resources, Global biodiversity.

1. Economically skewed plantings

2. Community resource plantations

3. Environmental plantations


Underlying Philosophy

Anything is possible with infinite resource (energy, sustainability)

All you need to begin is enthusiasm

Mimicking natural systems


1. Not every year is the same

Seedling survival rainfall sequences

Protection from predator populations


2. Not every place is the same

Soil fertility waves

Niche creation - micro climate

Species adaptation/preferences


3. Plant choices

Creation of environment for photosynthesis

How to spend energy

Protection of resources

Thorns or not

Deciduous or evergreen



Things to remember about evolution:

1. That not everything you see has evolved for a current situation.

2. Nature is efficient, no resource is wasted for long.



Assessment of site

1. Soils


Water holding capacity



2. State of existing vegetation

Seed source

Indicators of pressures


3. Water availability

Rainfall patterns

Water table


4. Slope

Aspect with respect to the sun

Drainage and erosion


5. Protection


Social fences and current users



6. Other issues


Long term management


GreenAcres campaign

Fundraising for expanding the Auroville Greenbelt.

Our eco-zone is under threat of rapid urbanization, this is an urgent move to reverse the trend and extend activities.

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