Planning the Rejuvenation of Forest Land

1. Vegetation cover – what is actually growing at present on the site
2. Soil structure – the condition of the soil, is erosion taking place? If so how much topsoil has been lost, is there rill or gully erosion.
3. Water shed – where is the land located in its micro-watershed, what are the possibilities for water harvesting.
4. Water logging: - what is the drainage of the site, are there areas that are prone to water stagnation.
5. What is the rainfall pattern of the area, the length of the dry season.
Assessment of surrounding area
1. What is the nearest area to the site that has some existing tree cover, and where is the nearest remaining forest.
2. What is the local source for planting material, are there nurseries with applicable species available, are there local seed sources if a nursery is to be established.
3. Understanding from literature and other sources what is the indigenous forest of the area.
4. What are the other surrounding land use practices, what tree crops are already established in the area?
Assessment of the Client
1. What is the motivation of the client, what are there hopes and expectations?
2. What financial strength is there in the project, how long term is the planning.
3. What other activities are present or will be present on the site and how will they interact with the forest. What linkages are possible?
Initial Planning
• Mapping of the site, indicating existing trees and shrubs, different soil types and depths.
• Zoning of soil types to indicate where different tree types can be planted within the following categories:
1. Fertile land for cash cropping
2. Reasonable land for long term forest produce whether fruit or timber
3. Poor land suitable only for non-productive forest plantation.
• Creation of species lists for plantation, based on three soil types and clients parameters
• Costing of plantation as well as soil and water conservation work.
• Outlining of phasing of work.
First stage Implementation
• Sourcing of seedlings for plantation and/or collection of seeds and establishment of nursery on site for growing of plants.
• Laying out of bunding network and water catchment ponds
Second stage implementation
• Digging of bunds and catchment ponds
• Preparation of plantation area
• Plantation of Seedlings