- AGP Student Practicum 2012
- Bamboo Construction
- Auroville city area - Land Suitablity and Land Use Proposal
- Solar Passive Design in Hot-Humid Coastal Zones
- Auroville - An Eco-city in the making
- 3H Summer School 2014
- 3H Summer School 2013
- Green Design
- Sustainable Architecture at EartHauz
- Indian Green Building Council
- Towards Responsive Urban and Regional Planning
- The Future of Building Technologies
- Sustainability, Safety and Low Carbon Transport in Urban India
- Livelihoods
- Regenerative Townships of Tomorrow
- Governance in Regenerative Towns of Tomorrow
- The Soul of the City
- (De)Engeneering Cities
- Urban Planning
- Regenerative Cities - Myth or Reality
- MARG Swarnabhoomi – An Integrated & Inclusive City
- Regenerative Townships through Urban-Rural Systems Integration
- Sustainable Developments, but what do we want to sustain?
- The Challenges of Planning in Auroville
- Earthen Architecture in Auroville
- roof channels
- afforestation
- appropriate building material
- appropriate technologies
- arches
- block making
- collaborative design
- community
- culture
- demography
- design
- development
- disaster resistance
- domes
- earthen architecture
- ecological design
- ecological landscaping
- economy
- educational spaces
- faults
- ferrocement
- flooding
- green architecture
- ground water recharge
- integrated planning
- landscaping
- master plan
- mobility
- organic farming
- planning
- prefabrication
- rainwater harvesting
- renewable energy
- resource management
- sewage collection
- solar passive
- solid waste management
- stabilized compressed earth blocks
- sustainability
- sustainable habitat
- training
- urbanism
- waste water treatment systems
- zone

The Wonderful World of Bamboo
27 August 2015 | by Auroville Bamboo Centre
This presentation explores bamboo as a material - from how it is grown to how it is used.

GreenAcres campaign
Fundraising for expanding the Auroville Greenbelt.
Our eco-zone is under threat of rapid urbanization, this is an urgent move to reverse the trend and extend activities.