
Low down on Litter

Tags: environmental education outreach waste segregation landfill
“Something is coming”, “litter free Auroville”: these slogans, everyone has catch them on the huge banners present around Auroville. Well, time to break the mystery has come: Auroville does very bad at the level of solid waste. Action is needed and this is the goal of the NGO SOMA waste management, along with Ecoservice: organizing a big campaign on the 29th of January to bring awareness and to get things change. This is no longer a surprise, this day is supposed to be big, as big as the issue. Let's hear Gilian, from Ecoservice, presents her organization and the actual situation of Auroville toward waste, then Meera and Chandrah, coordinators of SOMA, talk about the day itself. ..

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litter_free_auroville 2010

Related audio: Low down on Litter

Source: Auroville Radio - 23rd January 2010


GreenAcres campaign

Fundraising for expanding the Auroville Greenbelt.

Our eco-zone is under threat of rapid urbanization, this is an urgent move to reverse the trend and extend activities.

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