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Tag: sustainability Ordering
For any regional planning it is important to understand the landscape and the natural forces that are shaping it and water is one of the most important natural force. Base data, especially topography ...
To create a sustainable Human Settlement means not only to build and design green but to create communities that provide the environment that allows people to flourish in the presence of each other. ...
Designing Green Homes needs to integrate a variety of aspects. Some of the Green Design Principle are  to minimize the extraneous, to design for all aspects of climate at all levels, to design for du...
An eco-city in the making has to look at and integrate a number of key aspects of a sustainable development. Such key aspects are: environmental restoration, organic agriculture, solar passive archite...
The sun is sacred in India - and almost always to be seen. The conditions for the use of solar Energy are ideal in a country whose Southern regions boasts some 3,000 hours of sunshine a year. In the i...
Recently, three students specializing in technology and sustainable development cycled all over Auroville surveying buildings and talking to their inhabitants. Their aim? To find out if Auroville’s ...
Renewable energy technologies are generally very expensive, especially solar energy technologies. As you cannot expect somebody to pay their electricity bill for the next 25 years in one shot, the Ind...
Carsten, a 40 year old German electronic engineer started Auroville Energy Products in 1996. One of the first projects was a micro-hydroelectricity system in Putsil, Orissa. More systems followed. Aur...
In the renewable energy field, the Aurovilians have been very active to implement different technologies, first in Auroville and nowadays, more and more outside. This unique experience, through its...
Sustainable farm needs a sustainable supply of seeds, water and nutrients. Seeds that are grown and saved on the farm develop characteristics that enable them to grow even better in the particular env...
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GreenAcres campaign

Fundraising for expanding the Auroville Greenbelt.

Our eco-zone is under threat of rapid urbanization, this is an urgent move to reverse the trend and extend activities.

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