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Tag: mobility Ordering
The research team at Auroville Renewable Energy and Auroville Center for Scientific Research (AuroRE/CSR), India, has embarked on several initiatives to provide their township with greener and m...
The ‘Bicycle-friendly Area Design Workshop’ which was held in Auroville from 18th May – 17th June brought together 16 young professionals and graduates in architecture and graphic and product de...
Recently, three students specializing in technology and sustainable development cycled all over Auroville surveying buildings and talking to their inhabitants. Their aim? To find out if Auroville’s ...
Carsten, a 40 year old German electronic engineer started Auroville Energy Products in 1996. One of the first projects was a micro-hydroelectricity system in Putsil, Orissa. More systems followed. Aur...
EVFuture was established in 2007, it’sprimary focus is on designing electric eco- friendly two wheeler solutions primarily for the Indian market and its existing road conditions. EVFuture has deve...
GreenAcres campaign

Fundraising for expanding the Auroville Greenbelt.

Our eco-zone is under threat of rapid urbanization, this is an urgent move to reverse the trend and extend activities.

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