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Tag: appropriate building material Ordering
Satprem Maini from the Auroville Earth Institute introduces the participants of the Green Practices Seminar 2010 into the fascinating world of Earthen Architecture and shows example of its application...
Suhasini Ayer-Guigan presented at the Auroville Green Practices Seminar 2010 on Sustainable Human Habitat. She presents the current conventional methodology of construction and development in todays ...
Mona Doctor-Pingel introduced the participant at the Green Practices Seminar 2010 to Aurovilles' architectural experiments and expertise. º    º    º    º    º     ...
Sadhana Forest is about growing trees and growing people. Volunteers from all over the world, as well as Aurovillians, work together in this new reforestation project. They practice an eco-friendly wa...
When two research centers with extensive knowledge do things together new concepts arises. The  Auroville Bamboo Research Center and the Auroville Earth Institute joined hands to experiment with hous...
Compressed Stabilised Earth Blocks (CEB) can be compressed in many different shapes and sizes. The soil, raw or stabilized, for a compressed earth block is slightly moistened, poured into a steel pres...
A ferrocement roof channel is a longitudinal element, semi-cylindrical shaped.  It is easy to construct, uses less cement and steel than a conventional RCC roof and is also cheaper. During the instal...
Ferrocement is a composite material which is used in building or sculpture with cement, sand, water and wire or mesh material. Ferrocement has great strength and economy. It is fireproof, earthquake ...
A ferrocement door is easy to manufacture, the prefabricated door is strong and durable, is resistant against water and requires little maintenance afterwards. Auroville Building Centre has been using...
While ferrocement was first used about 150 years ago and was brought to an advanced level about 50 years ago. It is only recently beginning to be used in common practice. In general, this is because, ...
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