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Tag: conservation Ordering
      Forests, the clouds of earth, hold up to the sky their silence, and clouds from above come down in resonant showers. “Fireflies” by Rabindranath Tagore   The...
In the effort restoring the indigenous forest of the coastal are in Tamil Nadu temple reserve forest and temple groves have shown to be a decisive.Temple groves represent relict fragments of ori...
The Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest (TDEF) is  one of the seven groups of tropical forests in India, and it is defined as where ‘hard leaved evergreen trees predominate with some deciduous emergents,...
The Tropical Evergreen forest of the east coast of India has been variously studied since it was recognized as a forest type. Lately quantitative ecological analyses of sacred groves around the Pondic...
The Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest (TDEF) of India is only found on the south eastern seaboard of the peninsular. It has a very limited range, and extends only 60 km inland. The TDEF occurs in an area ...
Each region of the world has a vegetation type that has, over countless eons, evolved as the plant community most suited to the environmental conditions of the area. The Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest ...
Using plants of the Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest in landscaping is a fascinating way of reintegrating nearly extinct species into modern day society. This is a win-win situation it supports the conse...
Botanical Services   Botanical Services is the commercial unit of the Auroville Botanical Gardens  dedicated to bringing ecologically sustainable solutions to the commercia...
The Shakti Nursery started in 1983 on hardly more than 30 acres of sand and dust, cut through by three gullys. That was the time of terrible dust storms in summer and heavy erosion during the monsoon ...
Auroville's Botanical Gardens started in 2000, it is meat as a Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest reserve that stretches over 50 acres. More than 260 species of trees have been planted already. The whole g...
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