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Toine van Megen from Auroville Consulting talks about Sustainable Energy Systems. He says that today we are overloading our planet by 20% in terms of the planet's bio-capacity. Presenting a global ba...
Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and from within, Auroville will boldly spring towards future realis...
The sun is sacred in India - and almost always to be seen. The conditions for the use of solar Energy are ideal in a country whose Southern regions boasts some 3,000 hours of sunshine a year. In the i...
Recently, three students specializing in technology and sustainable development cycled all over Auroville surveying buildings and talking to their inhabitants. Their aim? To find out if Auroville’s ...
Renewable energy technologies are generally very expensive, especially solar energy technologies. As you cannot expect somebody to pay their electricity bill for the next 25 years in one shot, the Ind...
Carsten, a 40 year old German electronic engineer started Auroville Energy Products in 1996. One of the first projects was a micro-hydroelectricity system in Putsil, Orissa. More systems followed. Aur...
Aurore Projects and Services has been commissioned by The CarbonNeutral Company to carry out an independent verification of carbon emission reductions contributed by solar home light systems in ...
In the renewable energy field, the Aurovilians have been very active to implement different technologies, first in Auroville and nowadays, more and more outside. This unique experience, through its...
Solar photovoltaic systems and wind turbines are two of the most commonly know sources of renewable energy. Other renewable energy sources are bio mass, human and animal power and solar thermal sys...
Auroville Energy Products focuses on high quality and efficient electronic control components for renewable energy systems - such as solar lantern, solar charge controller, solar hybrid (wind / hyd...