
Rene Janssen

Tags: baubiologie project management

reneRené studied electrical engineering and worked as project manager in the Netherlands. Knowing that EMF influences electrical equipment, he started wondering what the influence would be on living beings. This brought him to the building biology. Building Biology caught his enthusiasm immediately. Since all aspects of building and construction have been of a great interest, every previous experience fell in place into one vast subject, Building Biology. He followed the training from the Institute of Building Biology + Ecology Neubeuern (IBN) to become a certified building biologist (Baubiologe IBN). Additionally he trained to become a measuring technician according the SBM 2008 standard. He initiated the Centre for building biology in Auroville. Apart from doing house investigations and EMF assessments he is currently involved in various construction projects in and around Auroville. Placing the Building Biology at the centre of all his activities.


GreenAcres campaign

Fundraising for expanding the Auroville Greenbelt.

Our eco-zone is under threat of rapid urbanization, this is an urgent move to reverse the trend and extend activities.

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