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Tag: community Ordering
Sadhana Forest is about growing trees and growing people. Volunteers from all over the world, as well as Aurovillians, work together in this new reforestation project. They practice an eco-friendly wa...
“Village Action Group” is taking care of more than 50 villages around Auroville. This organization, which combines Aurovilians and salaried employees, tries to help villagers (especially women and...
To create a sustainable Human Settlement means not only to build and design green but to create communities that provide the environment that allows people to flourish in the presence of each other. ...
An eco-city in the making has to look at and integrate a number of key aspects of a sustainable development. Such key aspects are: environmental restoration, organic agriculture, solar passive archite...
Recently, three students specializing in technology and sustainable development cycled all over Auroville surveying buildings and talking to their inhabitants. Their aim? To find out if Auroville’s ...
What do Aurovilians want to eat? What do they think of Auroville grown and produced food compared to food grown and produced outside Auroville? What are the overall community food requirements? How ar...
Holistic Food Systems is a community oriented approach that tries to reshape our relationships around food. Our dominant food system is globalized and industrialized, while a more community oriente...
The purpose of the Auroville Farms is in serving the community by growing healthy produce in response to the needs of the community. The Auroville Community is to be actively involved in the planning ...
Is farming in Auroville viable? Viability has three distinct aspects to be taken into consideration namely: economic, environmental and social viability.  Without taking into consideration all three ...
Discipline is a community situated in the northern greenbelt of Auroville. Like all other greenbelt communities, it started on bare earth, 27 years ago. Today, the area is lush. Discipline consists pa...
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GreenAcres campaign

Fundraising for expanding the Auroville Greenbelt.

Our eco-zone is under threat of rapid urbanization, this is an urgent move to reverse the trend and extend activities.

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