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Auroville Green Practices Seminar 2012
In a 3 day hands-on workshop held at Auroville, more than 75 participants explored ways of realizing Energy Positive Habitats. Participants came from various professional backgrounds such as: urban planning, architecture, policy and consulting. Highly interactive sessions stimulated discussion and knowledge sharing among all participants. The workshops sessions at Energy Positive Habitats were facilitated by senior experts in areas of urban ecology, energy policies, energy management, governance, green archtectures, solar and wind installations and related areas.
Auroville Green Practices brings together various stakeholders to envision future townships that offer a ecologically, socially and economically nurturing habitat.
Presentation made at 'Energy Positive Habitats' can be downloaded from the program listing below. Audio recordings of the workshop can be accessed at the Auroville Radio website.
Day 1:
Welcome and Introduction: Bala Baskar and Toine van Megen
Opening Keynote - Energy, Habitats & Lifestyles Herber Girardet (pdf, 14.6Mb)
Keynote - Energy Efficiency in the Building Sector Mili Majumdar (pdf, 15.8Mb)
Talk - Emerging Energy Policies for Tamil Nadu K. Venugopal (pdf, 1.8Mb)
Talk - Emerging Energy Policies Herber Girardet (pdf, 2.9Mb)
Talk - Building Energy Auditing and Management Dr. Brahmanand Mohanty (pdf, 8.2Mb)
Talk - Energy Efficient Design Tanmay Tathaghat, (pdf, 3.7Mb)
Talk - Decentralized Solar Installations Joerg Zimmermann, (pdf, 4.6Mb)
Talk - Decentralized Wind Installations Jorge Ayarza, (pdf, 705Kb)
Day 2:
Workshop - Emerging Energy Policies Herber Girardet (pdf, 164Kb)
Workshop - Building Energy Auditing and Management Dr. Brahmanand Mohanty (pdf, 1.9Mb)
Workshop - Energy Efficient Design Tanmay Tathaghat, (pdf, 16.1Mb)
Workshop - Decentralized Solar Installations Joerg Zimmermann
Workshop - Decentralized Wind Installations Jorge Ayarza, (pdf, 221Kb)
Day 3: sadsfrsdfdsfdsf
Plenary: Presentations from Workshops
Panel Discussion
Closing Keynote - Energy Positive Habitats - The Future Aromar Revi, (pdf, 10Mb)
Related video: Energy Positive Habitats, discussion between
Herbert Girardet, Brahmand Mohanty, Aromar Revi, Alan Herbert
Source: Auroivlle Green Practices 2012, Energy Positive Habitats |